Here are a few things that I'd like my loved ones to remember just in case I won't be there anymore to tell them this personally.
1> Believe in God.Know and love God above all else. You will meet a lot of people who will tell you that God doesn't exist but I tell you, you don't have to look far to see God. Just look at yourself and almost everything around you. See the harmony of all the universe. It can't be a product of randomness. It can't be a big mistake.
2> Me and your mum's legacy to you is that we were able to migrate to Australia. This is aside from giving you the best possible education that we can afford. Please don't waste it my engaging in drugs or any useless form of activity that has caused the ruin of many young people in today's world.
3> Education is very important. You must have this hunger to learn new things. You must always have this drive to improve yourselves everyday.
4> Respect everyone specially the elder ones. Older people have made mistakes that you haven't even imagined yet. Most of them, have learned from their mistakes. It is wise to hear them out so that you don't commit the same and be a step ahead in this game of life.
5> Never ever give up on life. You will never succeed every time but the important thing is that you tried and you gave it your all when you did. Losing or failing is not as bad as everyone thinks.