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The Good News

  T he only good news that we ought to know and remember is that Jesus Christ had already won the war against sin and death.  He has made it possible for us to join Him in the afterlife.  All we need now to do is accept Him as He is.  God is alive today and it may be sometimes be difficult to see this.  The world and its demonic nature has still made it look like that only worldly things matter and that the ultimate goal of each one is to achieve their own personal happiness.  This is the biggest lie of all, that we should do all to make us happy. Individual happiness at the expense of someone else is the biggest deception of all. The truth is, our lives are never really about us.  It is ultimately about God and about others.  It is about how you can provide and give joy even at our own expense. This is the model of ultimate and genuine love that Jesus shown us at the cross. "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s frie...

Netflix's Midnight Mass Review

      The Midnight Mass is a Netflix mini-series that I have recently watched and have found very interesting.  Although, to be honest, I felt a bit conflicted about it from beginning til the end.  I guess to summarize the ending, this is exactly how it would be when devout believers of God/Allah become vampires. They'd sin and then they repent back to God and accept their fate and face death by facing the sunrise instead of choosing eternal life here on Earth as immortal monsters. I couldn't understand at first why the good priest would mistake that demon to be an angel.  Furthermore, as a priest, he should be the first to know that the eternal life that God is promising isn't one in the current world we live in which is full of pain and suffering.  I do like the character of Riley Flynn. Look, he's made a mistake, paid time for it and yet he is haunted by his sin regularly.  He finds healing and comfort with Erin Greene whom he loves purely. So ...

Bring Me Down

      Is it unfair Would you be aware If I might Catch you in a stare Now tell me if it's okay If I walk past your door today I'm runnin out of happy things to say But I don't need a funny line 'Cause nobody laughs at a castle That's crawling down With every word you Every game you Every hate Come on now tell me Would it be a better day for you If you bring me down? You got your coat and tie And you're lookin' so cool In front of the TV camera All that just to tell us we'll be gone Now tell me is it all okay If I tell you you're fuckin' gay Don't anyone have a happy thing to say But I don't need a funny line 'Cause nobody laughs at a castle That's crumbling down With every word you Every game you Every hate Come on now tell me Would it be a better day for you If you bring me down? Kill me a little Kill me a little every day Is it unfair (is it unfair) To be aware (come on kill me) If I might ever catch you in a stare But I don...

No Rain

    Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh All I can say is that my life is pretty plain I like watching the puddles gather rain And all I can do Is just pour some tea for two And speak my point of view But it's not sane It's not sane I just want someone to say to me Oh, oh, oh, oh I'll always be there when you wake, yeah, yeah You know I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today, hey So stay with me and I'll have it made (I'll have it made) And I don't understand why I sleep all day And I start to complain that there's no rain And all I can do is read a book to stay awake And it rips my life away, but it's a great escape Escape Escape Escape All I can say is that my life is pretty plain You don't like my point of view and I'm insane It's not sane It's not sane I just want someone to say to me Oh, oh, oh, oh I'll always be there when you wake, yeah, yeah You know I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today, hey So stay with me and I'll have it m... is a big disappointment and so is the Nobel Prize awarding body

  There has recently been a petition filed against the receiving of a Nobel prize of one, Maria Ressa of Rappler.  And when the signatories almost reached 200,000, it was taken down by hence is a big fake site.  It was supposed to be a platform of change, but it seems when people start petitioning against their allies, they'll shut us up.  So much for freedom of speech, they've just managed to silence the nearly 200,000 who signed and contributed to this. After years of believing that this site was legit, it is disappointing to know that the petitions you start there are only reserved for people or for events outside its circle of friends.  Maria Ressa has been seen in various forums where she painted exaggerated stories and numbers about the situation in the Philippines.   More disappointing was the Nobel organization that awarded her.  Freedom of speech was never curtailed in the Philippines during Duterte's regime.  L...

Bishop Barron Tackles Top Questions By Young People in Reddit

  Another episode by Bishop Barron that I find very informative and interesting.  In this episode, he talks about the top questions he got in 2 of his Reddit AMA (ask me anything) experience.  Click here for the link of one of those reddit sessions. The link of the Youtube video below is where he summarizes the top 3   questions and he gives very good explanation to each of them. The first question is that they ask him to prove God's existence. Does God exist?  And I liked Bishop Barron's answer by answering from the perspective of science. The second question is that why does evil and suffering exist?  And the last one is, how do you know that your religion is the right one?  I encourage you to listen for his answers to all 3 questions. Spare a few minutes and you'll be satisfied.            

Upon Friar Review takes on An Interview with God

        Good day readers, today I would like to share with you another episode from my favorite friars.  In this episode they tackle and review an important portion of the movie, "An Interview with God" . I have seen this movie and I've liked it a lot but I kind of liked more the conversation between Father Casey and Father Patrick.  I encourage you to watch this review in the link I will provide below and also to read the novel or see the movie.  The portion being reviewed here is the  part where Paul meets an elderly man in the middle of a park for an interview and this man says that he is God.  Along their conversation, they tackle a lot of interesting questions and like my two favorite friars, I also thought, what if I was the one given this opportunity, what would have I asked God? ---------------------------

About Humility

Do not make a display of your wisdom when you do your work, and do not boast when you are in need.   Better is the worker who has goods in plenty than the boaster who lacks bread.   My child, honour yourself with humility, and give yourself the esteem you deserve. Who will acquit those who condemn themselves?  And who will honor those who dishonor themselves? The poor are honored for their knowledge, while the rich are honored for their wealth. One who is honored in poverty, how much more in wealth. And one dishonored in wealth, how much more in poverty! -Sirach 10: 26-31

Life Lessons Re-Learned during Covid times

  Time is more precious than gold. Health is more precious than wealth. Distance not only makes the heart grow fonder, but also makes things safer. Life lessons re-learned during these times of Covid 19.      

To God Be The Greater Glory

    Forgive me Lord for all the times I've asked foolishly from you things that only benefit myself.  Please help me remember that it is Your will that I need to follow and that needs to be done.  I surrender my life to you.  To God be the greater glory. The video below is a very powerful sermon by Bishop Barron about doing what God wants and how power and honor could help and inspire millions when sought  by people who want to do God's will and the trail of destruction and of pain when they were sought by people with their selfish agendas.  I am guilty of asking from God things that I want, things that comfort me and have really just recently been asking what does God want from me?  How am I able to do know His will and do it?  Oh Lord, please help us learn to love you more each passing day.    

About Friendship

      Pleasant speech multiplies friends, and a gracious tongue multiplies courtesies. Let those who are friendly with you be many, but let your advisers be one in a thousand. When you gain friends, gain them through testing, and do not trust them hastily. For there are friends who are such when it suits them, but they will not stand by you in times of trouble. And there are friends who change into enemies, and tell of the quarrel to your disgrace. And there friends who sit at your table, but they will not stand by you in times of trouble. When you are prosperous, they become your second self, and lord it over your servants; but if you are brought low, they turn against you, and hide themselves from you. Keep away from your enemies, and be on guard with your friends. Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter: whoever finds one has found a treasure. Faithful friends are beyond price; no amount can balance their worth. Faithful friends are like life-saving medicine; and those w...

Upon Friar Review Takes On George Carlin

    I am a fan of Upon Friar Review and have subscribed to their Youtube Channel.  I recommend that you do so yourself.   In the video link below, they take on George Carlin, one of the best stand-up comedians of this time and is known to be a notorious atheist and makes fun of God and religion in his comic acts.   Personally, I like and also hate George Carlin (may he rest in peace). I love the brutality of his jokes when it comes to the government and culture but not so much about God and religion.  For the latter, I think he oversimplifies it too much but perhaps it could be part of the gig.  Anyways, I like how Father Patrick and Father Casey, like always, handle their commentaries and how they gave light explanation about George's criticisms of the church.  Atheists and non-believers should take note of their answers. Unfortunately, religious institutions, like any other thing that comes out or results from human hands, will never ...

Thirst for knowledge during our lifetime

  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.  -Proverbs 1:7        I've come to realize that while we are living in this world, we shouldn't really stop learning. In fact, we should welcome every little opportunity for us to learn stuff no matter how small it may seem.  We should welcome every moment or every opportunity to hear out wise men and women talk too. There was a point in my young life where I thought that learning stops when we finish school.  Once you reach the professional stage, the need for learning even becomes more important specially now that we are living in the digital or the information age.   I usually find myself repeating these words to my kids, "How fortunate for your generation today because you have access to the internet as you have access to all information possible and it is just a matter of Googling them and choosing the right information", and I normall...

Online Summary of the Books of the Bible

    I've been trying to practice my faith for the past 40 plus years and yet I have failed to read the entirety of the Bible. I have trouble finishing books as I get easily sleepy when reading even the best and most exciting novels or piece of literature.   I've thought about getting audio books in Amazon to help with this or try to get more quality sleep with Chilisleep to see if I can stay awake longer but lately, I think I may have found a way to help me with finishing the Bible and it won't cost me a cent.   In Youtube, I've found this video summaries of each of book of the Bible in the Bible Project Channel.  I'm pretty sure that they aren't Catholic like myself but my plan is just get enough of an idea of each of the books, specially those in the Old Testament and then dig in on those that I will find most interesting first and work my way through it that way.  I have subscribed on Youtube channel's Bible Project and I am a fan of their wor...

The Bible Project: The Book of Revelation

 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John  - Revelation 1:1   Chapters 1 - 11  Chapters 12 - 22 If you wish to purchase the Bible (KJV) and read this book in detail you may use my link here .    

The Bible Project: The Book of Jude

 Yet these people speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals – these are the very things that destroy them. -Jude 1:10   If you wish to purchase the Bible (KJV) and read this book in detail you may use my link here .  

The Bible Project: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Letters of John

 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If you love the world, love for the Father is not in you. - 1 John 2:15   If you wish to purchase the Bible (KJV) and read this book in detail you may use my link here .  

The Bible Project: 1st and 2nd Peter

 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. - 1 Peter 2:9   1 Peter   2 Peter     If you wish to purchase the Bible (KJV) and read the 1st and 2nd books of Peter in detail you may use my link here .    

The Bible Project: Letter of James

 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if people claim to have faith but have no deeds? Can such faith save them?  -James 2:14     If you wish to purchase the Bible (KJV) and read the Letters of James in detail you may use my link here .  

The Bible Project: Letter to the Hebrews

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. -Hebrews 4:12 If you wish to purchase the Bible (KJV) and read the Letters to the Hebrews in detail you may use my link here .  

The Bible Project: Letter to Philemon

 I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ.  -Philemon 1:6 If you wish to purchase the Bible (KJV) and read the Letters to the Philemon in detail you may use my link here .   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PaMu Quiet Mini Summer Special Offer 25% OFF (Click Banner Below) or get one from Amazon Australia. Click Here  

The Bible Project: Letters to Titus

  At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. - Titus 3:3     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PaMu Quiet Mini Summer Special Offer 25% OFF (Click Banner Below) or get one from Amazon Australia. Click Here  

The Bible Project: 1st and 2nd Letters to Timothy

  For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. - 1 Timothy 6:10   1 Timothy  2 Timothy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PaMu Quiet Mini Summer Special Offer 25% OFF (Click Banner Below) or get one from Amazon Australia. Click Here  

The Bible Project: 1st and 2nd Letter to the Thessalonians

 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. -1 Thessalonians 5:5   1 Thessalonians  2 Thessalonians     If you wish to purchase the Bible (KJV) and read the Letters to the Thessalonians in detail you may use my link here .    

The Bible Project: Letter to the Colossians

 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. -Colossians 3:5         If you wish to purchase the Bible (KJV) and read the Letters to the Colossians s in detail you may use my link here .