T he only good news that we ought to know and remember is that Jesus Christ had already won the war against sin and death. He has made it possible for us to join Him in the afterlife. All we need now to do is accept Him as He is. God is alive today and it may be sometimes be difficult to see this. The world and its demonic nature has still made it look like that only worldly things matter and that the ultimate goal of each one is to achieve their own personal happiness. This is the biggest lie of all, that we should do all to make us happy. Individual happiness at the expense of someone else is the biggest deception of all. The truth is, our lives are never really about us. It is ultimately about God and about others. It is about how you can provide and give joy even at our own expense. This is the model of ultimate and genuine love that Jesus shown us at the cross. "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s frie...
I kind of find his perspective interesting. The idea of thinking about the reward of eternal life or of avoiding eternity in Hell a little bit of a self-centered and selfish motivation to know God. I agree with him that the Bible is actually a story about how God intervened into human history in an attempt to reunite with his creations. I will try to read more about this but I honestly think he has a point about reuniting heaven and earth where God eventually conquers evil and takes full control. But for me, since the soul is eternal, when heaven and earth unite and your soul isn't right yet by then, wouldn't you be also kicked out along with hell??? What do you think? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fuel your day with hope. Optimize your day with loved ones and with God. Click here please .