Why is the world promoting PRIDE? Why are they hijacking the rainbow and changing the meaning of what it is meant to be or what it stands for?
I guess the world does that sometimes. I think the world always finds a way to promote their own agenda. Most of the times it involves money. Christmas day is supposed to be about the birth of Jesus Christ but the world has made it about Santa Claus. They even justify this by saying the Santa Claus is St. Nicholas. The world has also done the same to Easter. When it is supposed to be the day when Jesus Christ conquered sin and death by rising from the dead, and yet the world has made it about a bunny and its eggs.
Not anyone seems to be too keen in changing what Ramadan though. When I was young and stupid, a few of my boys attempted to do so on our own small circle of friends. Ramadan for us will be slightly different than what everyone else knows what it is about.
The world is now saying that pride is a virtue when it fact it is a deadly sin. It is one of the seven deadly ones (pride, lust, anger, gluttony, wrath, sloth and envy) if you don't know. Nothing comes out good when we only attend to our own personal happiness. When we only think about our very own selves and think that we are the center of the universe. Nothing. It may seem great in the beginning but it always ends up in a bad way.
Why are they using the rainbow to symbolize pride? The rainbow was supposed to be the symbol that reminds us that God will not resort to killing humanity via the Great Flood which he did at the time of Noah. Is it that they want to mock God? Well nothing comes out good from mocking God either. Luckily we have a merciful and patient God else expect something very severe very soon. Anyways, the world has gone crazy. I would have never imagined that I would live in a time when mothers choose to kill their own children via abortion and call it choice. I would have never imagined that Sodom and Gomorrah would repeat itself.
These are times that I would wish and pray that Jesus would decide to come back and reclaim what is truly His. I am tired of living in this upside down world that we now live in. I long to be united to orderliness, peace and true love. I long for God to reign once more and this time for eternity. I am a little happy though that there seems to be some resurgence and I hope this lasts and eventually end up with Jesus' second coming.